In June of 2021, The Longboat Key Education Center dissolved after 35 successful years of providing adult enrichment and lifelong learning programs on Longboat Key. COVID-19 was the culprit.
With vision nothing short of brilliant, a new opportunity to keep the mission of providing arts, culture, education, and recreation alive on Longboat Key came from Isaac Azerad, executive director of Temple Beth Israel, whose big picture reimagining of Temple Beth Israel will now include an education center. Not a month after the Longboat Key Educations Center’s demise came the hiring and welcoming of me and my staff, Charity and Carl Kurtyka. Our mission is to continue to create, develop, and administer a copious array of adult programming based on the model that was conceived in 1986 and which I carried out since I took over the Longboat Key Education Center in 1997 as its executive director.
The Education Center at Temple Beth Israel will strive to provide stimulating and diverse programs that keep the mind and body active and the spirit young, while providing a beautiful facility to enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals. Lifelong learning is the key to staying vibrant and engaged in our family life, friendships, communities, and the world. Note: The Education Center at Temple Beth Israel will be non-denominational and welcome everyone with a desire to learn new things.
We are incredibly grateful for the continued support and loyalty of people who want to sustain the legacy of The Longboat Key Education Center by becoming members of The Education Center at Temple Beth Israel. Likewise, many TBI members have generously donated additional membership upgrades to support the education center. Now, more than ever, during an ongoing pandemic, with all its attendant uncertainties, your support will be what helps the phoenix not only rise from the ashes but keep soaring towards the future!
We will be exercising up-to-the-minute pandemic safety guidelines and protocols to secure and safeguard our collective health and welfare. Only vaccinated attendees or those with recent COVID negative rest results will be invited to attend in-person programs. Class sizes will be limited to enable social distancing and masks will be mandatory, until we are advised otherwise. If you forget your mask, we will have them available as well as sanitizer.
We are starting our fall term on Wednesday, November 3, 2021. Although we are hoping for mostly in-person attendance for our programs, we will offer Zoom options. There is more about Zoom on the next page. Last minute, unpredictable changes may occur, but we will keep all our students informed.
I look forward to meeting and greeting students who have followed us to TBI from The Longboat Key Education Center as well as welcoming new students who discover us and want to become part of our lively and friendly center. The newly created Education Center at Temple Beth Israel will be the place to be on Longboat Key!
Best Always,
Susan Goldfarb
Program Director of the Education Center at Temple Beth Israel