BIW Bylaws



This organization shall be known as Beth Israel Women of Temple Beth Israel, Longboat Key, Florida, U.S.A., known in its abbreviated form as BIW.


Section 1. To bring Sisterhood members into closer association and cooperation with one another.

Section 2. To serve Jewish and humanitarian causes.

Section 3. To work in cooperation with Women of Reform Judaism, the Federation of Temple Sisterhoods.

Section 4. To promote the cause of the Reform Jewish movement.

Section 5. To support and further goals of Temple Beth Israel.


Beth Israel Women shall be affiliated with the Women of Reform Judaism, known in its abbreviated form as WRJ,
the Federation of Temple Sisterhoods which is the women’s agency of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and automatically shall include membership in WRJ #13.


Any woman who [is committed to the goals and objectives of Beth Israel Women and to the Jewish community and]
is a member of Temple Beth Israel shall be eligible for membership upon payment of annual dues.


Section 1. The amount of annual membership dues shall be determined by the Board of [Directors] Trustees and with proper notice approved by the membership.

Section 2. Beth Israel Women shall pay annual dues to [Women of Reform Judaism] WRJ in the amount
established by the delegates of the [Women of Reform Judaism] WRJ Assembly;.

Section 3. Beth Israel Women shall pay annual per member dues to the appropriate [Women of Reform Judaism] WRJ District Federation


Section 1. The officers of BIW shall be a President, four Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary,
Treasurer and Financial Secretary. The office of the President may be shared by two Co-Presidents.

a) The term of office for Officers shall be two years.

b) Officers may be elected for two successive terms. No officer may be elected to the same office for more than two terms.
If a Board member is elected to fill an officer’s unexpired term, she shall be eligible for reelection for a full term.

c) Officers shall be [both Jewish] members of BIW in good standing and affiliated with Temple Beth Israel.

d) The Officers and the Immediate Past President shall constitute the Executive Committee, which shall meet at the
request of the President and may function if the Board cannot meet.

[Section 3.] Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of BIW and the Board of [Directors] Trustees.
She shall appoint all committee chairs in consultation with the Board, call special meetings of BIW, cooperate with all the committees in their work,
and perform all duties pertaining to the Office of the President.

The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
The President, with the concurrence of the Board of [Directors] Trustees shall fill any vacancy which occurs in any office or on the Board for an unexpired term.

The President shall represent BIW on Temple Beth Israel’s [Boaard] Board of Directors as well as at District Federation and [Women of Reform Judaism] WRJ meetings.

The President may name a Vice President to preside when she is unable to do so. The President may appoint a Parliamentarian.

[Section 4.] Section 3. The four Vice Presidents have the following individual responsibilities: HOSPITALITY, MEMBERSHIP, PROGRAM, WAYS AND MEANS.
They may appoint committees to carry out their functions.
Each Vice President shall keep a record of these activities in a cumulative notebook which shall be passed on to her successor.

a) The Vice President for Hospitality [shall be in charge of the Oneg Shabbat arrangements and any other occasion which requires food and drink]
shall make any arrangements for Oneg Shabbats and any hospitality related to BIW meetings.

b) The Vice President for Membership with her committee shall encourage all women members of the Congregation to join BIW, and
shall work with the Temple Membership Committee to provide information about BIW in membership kits. The Vice President shall
maintain a record of potential Board nominees and make recommendations to the Nominating Committee.

c) The Vice President for Program shall provide programs at general meetings [and shall institute study groups and other educational projects.]

d) The Vice President for Ways and Means shall be responsible for planning and wrarranging [money] fund raising events.

[Section 5.] Section 4. The duties of the Treasurer are as follows:

a) The Treasurer shall receive and have custody of all monies accruing to BIW . She shall make payments and maintain records for all authorized
expenditures and receipts of funds with the exception, if necessary, of designated special projects. She shall collect checks and maintain a record to be forwarded to the
Financial Secretary. She shall submit a written report at each meeting which becomes part of the Minutes and an annual report in writing at the end of the fiscal year.
The fiscal year shall be from June 1 to May 31. The Treasurer may also suggest investments.

b) The Treasurer shall submit an annual budget for approval of the Board to coincide with the fiscal year

c) In the absence of the Treasurer, the President or a designated officer should be empowered to issue checks from BIW funds upon receipt of a [voucher] statement or bill.

[Section 6] Section 5. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Board and of regular meetings in a Minutes Book.
These written Minutes [shall be read or distributed at each subsequent meeting] shall be made available to all Board members prior to or at each subsequent meeting.

[Section 7.] Section 6. The Corresponding Secretary shall answer all correspondence and send notices of meetings at the Direction of the President.

[Section 8.] Section 7. The Financial Secretary shall send statements, collect the dues, and keep a record of the paid members.
[distribute membership cards and Uniongrams to paid-up members.]


Section 1. Any women who is a member of BIW in good standing may be elected to the BIW Board of [Directors] Trustees..

Section 2. There shall be [12] up to 15 but no less than 12 [Directors] Trustees on the BIW Board and elected [Directors] Trustees shall serve for a full term of 3 years.

Section 3. The BIW Board shall consist of the Officers, the Immediate Past President and elected [Directors] Trustees.
These individuals shall be the only voting members of the Board.

Section 4. Honorary Board members are Past Presidents, Temple Rabbis’ wives and others as designated for special service by the membership.

Section 5. Chairwomen appointed by the President to undertake specific projects who are not elected Board members shall be
Associate Board Members and serve without a vote.

Section 6. The Board shall meet on the first Monday of each month from October to May, or at the call of the President.

Section 7. Ten members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for a meeting. A majority is needed to pass any motion.


Section 1. Chairwomen for WRJ projects are to inform the membership and enlist its cooperation for national programs.

Section 2. The Ritual Committee shall provide prayers at meetings, plan BIW Shabbat and aid the Rabbi in such observances as he requests.

Section 3. The “Shalom” Chair shall select at least two members of the Congregation- male or female- to be greeters [on] at Friday night services [events]

Section 4. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chair and four members appointed by the President, two of whom shall be from the Board
and two from the general membership. The Nominating Committee shall remain constituted until the next Committee is appointed.

Section 5. The Allocations Committee shall consist of the current President, who shall serve as Chair and who shall appoint members to include Past-Presidents and Board members.
The Committee will be responsible for determining the allocation and recommended disbursements of available funds to needy community agencies and/or organizations.


Section 1. Election of Officers shall take place every two years, but four [Directors] Trustees shall be elected every year for a three-year term.
Officers may succeed themselves for one additional term.

Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall present the slate to the Board at the March Board meeting. Election shall take place at the General meeting in
March and installation shall be held at the Annual Meeting of Temple Beth Israel.


General meetings shall be held up to four times a year, [on the third Monday in November, January, March and April] unless circumstances require a change.
All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedures by WRJ.


No treasury funds may be disbursed for other than BIW and Temple projects unless approved by the Board. In the event of unusual circumstances, the
President shall be empowered to spend a sum not exceed a ceiling amount to be determined by the Executive Committee.


These BYLAWS [may be amended by a majority of the membership upon recommendation of the Board.] may be amended by a special review committee
appointed by the President and presented to the Board of Trustees. These BYLAWS, as revised and amended, shall become effective immediately upon passage
by a two-thirds majority vote by the Board of Trustees.

[These BYLAWS were passed at the Annual meeting in April, 1998]